Pula Payroll & HR Systems, a product of Pula Software Systems is a comprehensive and 100% Botswana citizen owned payroll and human resource system, prides itself with a highly skilled and hands-on management team with over 18 years experience in Botswana tax, as well as Namibia, South Africa, Zambia PAYE systems.

After a streak of 18 years of similar experience with many installation sites in Botswana, Namibia & Zambia tax systems, a need for a Botswana citizen owned payroll brand was hatched.


Pula Payroll & HR Systems is proud to have its roots in Botswana and has a zeal for zero defect tolerance. This positions the company & the product to cross many borders and be a world-class payroll & human resource systems provider.

We believe in adaptable innovation and the ability to adapt to various market needs. Pula Payroll will grow with your business. Its simplicity and easy to use platforms, makes it the payroll software of choice.


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